Pursuant to and in accordance with Art. 13 of the EU Regulation No. 679/2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data ('GDPR')

With this information notice, Forniture Nautiche Italiane s.r.l. provides information regarding the processing of the User's personal data carried out through this Website, confirming as of now that such processing will be based on the principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the confidentiality and rights of the User.


The Data Controller is Forniture Nautiche Italiane s.r.l. a socio unico, with registered office in Via Val di Cecina n. 66/C - 57023 Cecina (LI), P.IVA 00704650498 - E-mail address: privacy@fni.it; tel.: 0586-662424.


Forniture Nautiche Italiane s.r.l. may process data relating to the User's visits to the website, but also any other data collected in the various sections of the site itself and/or through the various contact channels made available.

Below is a list of the data subject to processing:

  • Browsing data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols, such as IP addresses, domain names of the devices used, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given to the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the User's operating system and computer environment
  • Data related to Cookies (for any other more detailed information please refer to the Cookie policy)
  • Data voluntarily provided by the User such as data and/or information provided by the User through the contact details on the Website and/or the "Contact Us" form section.
  • Data released by the User during registration in the "dealer access request" section, such as personal and contact data (first name, last name, tax code, address, telephone, email, VAT number).


The data provided will be processed in compliance with the conditions of lawfulness under Article 6 of the GDPR for the following purposes: 

  • to give effect to all contractual and pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the User concerned as well as all related operational and management needs. The legal basis in this case is the need to give effect to the contract to which the User concerned is a party or to give effect to pre-contractual measures (Article 6(b) of the GDPR);
  • to comply with legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject. In the latter case, the legal basis is the need to comply with legal obligations that require the Controller to collect and/or further process certain types of personal data (Article 6(c) of the GDPR);

  • to execute the User's requests and answer questions formulated through the various contact channels. In this case, the processing of collected data has as its legal basis the legitimate interest of the Data Controller (Article 6(f) of the GDPR) to be more efficient, to respond to requests, to give information about the services offered, as well as to improve and develop new products and services; 
  • for sending the informative newsletter, the legal basis in this case is the need to execute the contract to which the User concerned is a party (Article 6(b) of the GDPR);
  • for promotional communications and the sending of advertising material, the processing has as its legal basis the consent given by the User (Article 6, letter a) of the GDPR);
  • soft spam: products, services and benefits similar to those purchased may be proposed by e-mail to the same User.


The Data Controller performs the necessary processing in compliance with the regulations. Personal data are processed at the operating offices of the Owner, by specially authorized and instructed personnel, with telematic methods and with logics strictly related to the above purposes ensuring the use of appropriate measures for data security and ensuring the confidentiality of the same. In some cases, the data may also be processed using paper methods. 

In any case, the Data Controller will process personal data in accordance with current security provisions in order to minimize the risks of destruction and loss, even accidental, of data; unauthorized access; processing not allowed or not in accordance with the purposes of data collection and illicit or incorrect use of data.

No transfer of data to non-EU countries takes place. Should this be necessary, the Data Controller guarantees that the transfer will take place in compliance with the measures set forth in Articles 44 et seq. of the GDPR.

The company does not implement any automated decision-making process.


In compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of the GDPR, Personal Data will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the purpose for which it was acquired. In particular, the retention period of the data collected through requests received to the contact data on the Website is strictly limited to the time necessary to follow up on the user's request, also taking into account how the business relationship will eventually evolve as a result of the contacts; in any case, in the absence of further developments, the data will be retained for six (6) months from the last manifestation of interest by the user.

Data of registered customers will be retained in the systems until a request for deletion of the relevant account/card is received.

As for browsing data, these will be kept for up to one year; while data collected through cookies will be kept for a period of time not exceeding the time period indicated in the extended cookie policy. 


The User's data will not be disseminated, disclosed or made known to unspecified parties in any way, including by making them available.

For purposes related to the provision of the requested service, the data themselves may be disclosed to the following subjects: 

  • to subjects who have the right to access the data by virtue of provisions of the law, regulations or European legislation, within the limits and for the purposes provided for by these rules; 
  • to other companies or professional service providers, who will process the data as autonomous data controllers or data processors, duly appointed (the list can be consulted upon request to the Data Controller).


Pursuant to Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR, the User may exercise the following rights at any time:    

  • access the personal data being processed, request more information on certain aspects of the same and receive a copy of the processed data (Art. 15 GDPR);  
  • obtain the deletion or removal of the data collected (art. 17 GDPR);  
  • obtain information about the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, and, when possible, the storage period;  
  • object to the processing of processed data (Art. 21 GDPR);  
  • receive their data in a structured format and obtain unimpeded transfer to another Data Controller (Art. 20 GDPR);  
  • withdraw consent to the processing, at any time (where applicable);  
  • to lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Supervisory Authority (in Italy, the Garante per la privacy) or to take legal action if you believe that the processing of your data is contrary to applicable law. 

We also remind you that you may always communicate your wish to stop receiving the communications qualified as soft spam of this Policy. He/she may give notice at any time to the Controller by using the e-mail address privacy@fni.it or again by using the link in the e-mail communications received. The Holder, in such case, will stop the aforementioned activity without delay.    

In order to exercise the rights, the User may address a written request to the e-mail address privacy@fni.it or to the other contact details of the Controller indicated in this document. Requests are filed free of charge and processed by the Holder as soon as possible, in any case within one month.

Date last updated: June 2023

Privacy Policy